Hi, I’m Becky – one of the digital marketing managers here at Fluid. Digital marketing can be quite broad, and I love how my role in the Campaigns & Content (Digital) team is quite broad too. Our team’s main focus is social media, but I also tend to get my hands on some copywriting, SEO and email work as well, supporting Fluid’s talented Performance & Innovation team. So, let’s get down to the details of my week.
I’m definitely not a morning person, and particularly not a Monday morning person, so I choose to spend today working from home.
At 10am we have our Campaigns & Content (Digital) catch-up, which is usually a 30-minute chat about our weekend highlights, what each of us has on our to-do lists for this week, and whether we need to shuffle any jobs around between us.
I should mention here that most of our team’s time is spent on ongoing client retainers, but we quite regularly work on activation ideas, strategies and campaigns for new clients too. For me, it’s the perfect balance between getting stuck into the nitty gritty of how our regular clients work, as well as the new industries, new challenges and new opportunities to be creative that come with non-retainer clients.
After our Monday meeting, I review my priorities for the day and start to get some items checked off my list (which is far too satisfying if you ask me). This could be scheduling some content that one of our social-first designers has put together, briefing in new content for them to take a look at, or doing some community engagement – that is, replying to any comments our clients have received as well as joining conversations on their behalf.
This afternoon I’m working on creating some emails for Bullocks Coaches, who offer day trips and school trips for those based in and around Manchester. Our email marketing tool of choice is Klaviyo, so I write, design, and build out the week’s emails using that.
Tuesday is a day in the studio, and I often choose to sit next to someone who I might be working closely with that day.
After checking my emails, Teams messages, and clients’ social media inboxes, I get started on the day’s tasks. I manage a number of clients, and because it’s the start of the month, I have a meeting with one of them to discuss our performance last month, ideas for going forward, and any news they might have on their end. Maybe it’s because I’m nosey, but I love going behind the scenes of their operations and exploring how we might maximise on any content opportunities here.
My afternoon is spent working on the objectives, strategy, positioning / messaging, and ideas for a new client – getting to know their audience, what their competitors are up to, and how we might help them stand out.
Wednesday is a busy one. Today, the Campaigns & Content (Digital) team have our monthly planning and review session, where we go through each of our clients, what is and what might not be working, and any trends or creative ideas that might be relevant to them. I have four main clients that I work on, but we all like to get together for a couple of hours to brainstorm fresh ideas and bring new perspectives to the table. As they rightly say, two heads (or in this case six) are better than one.
The rest of the day is spent going through footage from a filming session the week before. SDL Property Auctions is the UK’s most successful live-streamed auctioneer, and we often send a team down to their monthly auction to gather some content. Last week was my turn, and so I pulled together a shot list, went down to the auction with Vicky (one of our social-first designers), and captured some pieces to camera, skits, and so on.
Hump day is done, and today I’m writing an SEO-focussed web page on fun and educational school trip ideas for Bullocks Coaches. George, an SEO manager and colleague, supports with keyword research and I get my brain into the Bullocks’ tone of voice before planning the structure, sourcing images, and fleshing out the copy. Next, I upload it to the website using the CMS (content management system, or backend of the website) and make sure it all fits nicely together.
This project takes most of the day, so Thursday goes by in a flash.
On Friday I write some more content briefs for our social-first designers, schedule some more posts for approval by our clients, and continue with our regular social media community engagement tasks. I also make sure we’re on track with any internal or external deadlines, and write this blog.
Today is a bit of a shorter day as we break up from work early on a Friday. After work we’re going to a local pub to celebrate a new team member, another Becky, joining our team. It’s a bit of a tradition to welcome new Fluiders in this way, as I found out almost nine months ago today.